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Meet the Maker Series 1.0 - Dan Larsen of Culture Craft Kombucha

Photo credit: Culture Craft Kombucha

Sunday 06.04.17

We're kicking off a new blog series to learn more about the makers we partner with at FIELD & SOCIAL.  First up, is Dan Larsen of Culture Craft Kombucha. We serve Dan's delicious hand-crafted kombucha from Lavender Lemonade to the Blackcurrant + Mint on tap currently, and sat down with Dan to learn more about the process behind the kombucha we love.

What inspired you to start Culture Craft Kombucha?

The motivation to create Culture Craft Kombucha came out of the desire to share the amazing healing benefits of kombucha and to help people become more aware of their digestive health. 

Photo credit: Culture Craft Kombucha

Photo credit: Culture Craft Kombucha

Tell us a little bit about what goes into making your delicious kombucha. What part of the process do you most enjoy?

Brewing our Kombucha begins with using the highest quality teas we can locally source. Our supplier Tea Time (1418 Lonsdale Ave & 3611 W 4th Ave in Vancouver) ensures we have the freshest organic fair trade teas on the market. We then ferment each batch of sweetened tea for 2-3 weeks depending on the weather and temperature. This would have to be my favourite and the most mysterious part about Kombucha. For those 2-3 weeks our Mother’s are hard at work doing their magic; transforming what once was a sweet tea into a probiotic rich, enzyme and beneficial bacteria filled tonic. To this day it still amazes and humbles me.

Photo credit: Culture Craft Kombucha

Photo credit: Culture Craft Kombucha

How do you decide on the next flavor?

The inspiration for our flavours truly comes from a combination of childhood memories, local availability and sustainable supply. 

Photo credit: Culture Craft Kombucha

Photo credit: Culture Craft Kombucha

What advice would you have for someone thinking about starting up a small business?

Focus on your community and on building relationships. From your suppliers, vendors, and customers each will play an integral part to your growth and success. As they say "it takes a village to raise a child” the same goes for business. 

Thank you, Dan!

Dan Larsen, Owner,  Culture Craft Kombucha

Dan Larsen, Owner, Culture Craft Kombucha